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On 12 July 2017, Lula was convicted of money laundering and passive corruption, defined in Brazilian criminal law as the receipt of a bribe by a civil servant or government official. Lula was sentenced to nine years and six months in prison by judge Sérgio Moro,[20][21] but he remained free pending an appeal of the sentence.

Estadão. Consultado em 11 de abril de 2018  ↑ «Preso, Lula é levado de modo a Curitiba». G1. Globo.usando  ↑ a b «OHCHR

Una exposición recorre la historia por la fotografía en Procura por aquellas ‘faltas’ qual bajo la mirada de un artista cambiaron el rumbo del medio

The bad blood between the newspaper and the left wing groups deepened and reached a climax with the editorial "Political Prisoners?", published in 1972,[8] in which the newspaper challenged the notion that there were people jailed for their political ideas in Brazil. The editorial was also a response to rival "O Estado", for its defense of a special jail regime for political prisoners.

Record had already attacked Folha for news reports that pointed at the church's business activities and irregularities.

The early 1970s were a turbulent period for Folha. Accused by guerrilla groups of lending vehicles to the military regime repressive apparatus, Folha became a target for guerrilla action.

In that case, Lula was sentenced to almost 13 years for accepting renovation work by two construction companies on a farmhouse in exchange for ensuring they won contracts with Petrobras.

There was an immediate and strong reaction to the use of get more info "ditabranda",[11] a word coined in Spain during the 1930s when General Damaso Berenguer replaced General Primo do Rivera and governed through decrees, revoking some of the decisions adopted by the preceding dictator.

Em dezembro de 1952, quando Lula tinha exclusivamente sete anos do idade, Eurídice decidiu migrar para o litoral do estado por São Paulo com seus filhos para se reencontrar com este marido; Eurídice acreditava que seu marido fizera esse pedido, quando na verdade seu filho Jaime, de que já morava usando o pai, escreveu dizendo de que esse era o desejo de Aristides.

Investigators discovered that politicians and their parties were allegedly taking money from Odebrecht and other big companies in exchange for political favors and contracts with get more info state oil company Petrobras.

Under Lula's leadership, the PT took a stance against the Constitution in click here the 1988 Constituent Assembly, reluctantly agreeing to sign the agreed draft at a later stage.

The aim of this study was to compare microbial counts between categories of carious dentin color, consistency and humidity, and to evaluate the read more correlation between these characteristics and the pr...

He fought and lost three elections before winning the first of two mandates in read more 2002. Thanks to transformative social policies and a booming economy, tens of millions of Brazilians escaped poverty during his rule.

Escasez, aumento de precios y disturbios: el "peor escenario" previsto por el gobierno por Reino Unido si hay un Brexit duro

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